54 research outputs found

    Notranja oksidacija Cu-C in Ag-C kompozitov

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    The internal oxidation in copper-carbon and silver-carbon composites occurs when they are exposed to air or oxygen at high temperature. Solubility of carbon in copper or in silver is very low. The kinetics of oxidation at high temperature and activation energy were determined and the mechanism of internal oxidation was analysed. The kinetics of internal oxidation was determined for both cases and it is depended from the diffusion of oxygen following parabolic time dependence according to Wagner\u27s theory. The activation energy for Cu-C composite is 70.5 kJ/mol, and for Ag-C composite is 50.1 kJ/mol, what is in both cases close to the activation energy for the volume diffusion of oxygen in copper or in silver. In both cases gas products are formed during the internal oxidation of composites. In the internal oxidation zone pores, bubbles occur. The carbon oxidates directly with the oxygen from solid solution as long there is a contact, which breaks down with the presence of gas products. Then the oxidation occurs over the gas mixture of CO and CO2.Pri visokih temperaturah kompoziti bakra in srebra z ogljikom na zraku ali v kisiku reagirajo po mehanizmu notranje oksidacije. Topnost ogljika v trdnem bakru in trdnem srebru je zelo majhna. Analizirali smo kinetiko oksidacije kompozitov, določili aktivacijsko energijo in mehanizem notranje oksidacije. Kinetika oksidacije je pri obeh skupinah materialov odvisna od difuzije kisika in sledi parabolični odvisnosti od časa v skladu z Wagnerjevo teorijo. Aktivacijska energija procesa je za kompozit Cu-C enaka 70,5 kJ/mol, za kompozit Ag-C pa 50,1 kJ/mol, kar je blizu aktivacijski energiji za volumsko difuzijo kisika v trdnem bakru oziroma srebru. Pri oksidaciji kompozita nastajajo plinski produkti. Oksidacija ogljika poteka neposredno s kisikom iz trdne raztopine, ko pa se zaradi nastanka plinske faze stik prekine, pa preko plinske zmesi CO in CO2

    Impact of defective production of asphalt mixture resulting in damaged asphalt layers

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    In practice it often happens that a newly built road soon, after the asphalt mixture is added, starts showing first cracks and damages, which are not necessarily always a fault of the contractor, who built in the asphalt mixture, but can derive from the production of asphalt mixture. Such mistakes in the production of the asphalt mixture are hard to prove, since all the contractors usually put the blame on the automatic mixing production in the asphalt plant. During the production of the asphalt mixture, samples of input materials are taken, while the produced asphalt mixture is also sampled at the end of the production process. An inadequate asphalt mixture can be produced within the asphalt plant due to the damages in its machinery, inadequate input materials or the human factor plays a role in it, since we must not forget that all the machinery within the asphalt plant and computer programmes are supervised by man. Human factor also plays a role in the correct storing of input materials. It is the authority of the head of the asphalt plant to decide to ship the mixture to the contractor or not.\ud \ud The Master's thesis researches the reasons for errors in the production which is completely automated since it is based on a computer programme. The current Slovene legislation on the production of asphalt mixtures and technical specification for roadways was analysed. The legislation defines in detail the input materials, parts of the asphalt plant, the production procedure and the enforcement of the control, and includes the contents of the procedural book of quality control in the asphalt plant. All the most common damages to asphalt roadways, which may be a result of errors in the asphalt mixture production and may derive from material deterioration, are given at the end of the Master's thesis. Material deterioration can be a result of inadequate storing of input materials, errors in measuring dosages, temperatures that are too low during the mixing process, the time of mixing and of numerous other reasons. \u

    Simulation of wastewater treatment processes and possible idea solution for upgrading WWTP Škofja Loka

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    In addition to building new treatment plants in recent years there is also increasingly taking place the upgrading of existing wastewater treatment plants. Need to upgrade is in larger extent because of failing to complie with effluent nutrient limits for parameters, such as nitrogen and phosphorus. One of the sewage facilities where upgrade of the processes for removal of nutrients has not yet been made is the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant Škofja Loka. This thesis has made preliminary studies of upgrade of WWTP Šk. L. by the simulation with a computer program Aquifas. The models are sets of mathematical equations that characterize the process and enable the simulation process. Activated sludge models (ASM) are being presented, of which ASM2d is a part of Aquifas application. As part of identifying possible solution for upgrading an overview of processes and technologies for the removal of nutrients has been done, and among them, as appropriate outline of possible solutions, the A2O process has been selected that I have regarding to the inflow of different parameters to the treatment plant tried to optimize with the program. The results for the effluent obtained from so conceived process and after optimization of various parameters are under regulatory limits. The thesis also presents important issues that need to be considered in upgrading existing facilities, including general selection factors, design and operation factors and the final selection of appropriate technology.\ud \u

    Železnodobni gomili na Godeško-Reteških dobravah pri Škofji Loki

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    The article presents the results of the excavations of two Early Iron Age tumuli, G 21 and G 22, belonging to the tumuli burial ground at Godeško-Reteške dobrave near Škofja Loka. The tumuli were excavated in 2020 as part of rescue excavations carried out due to the expansion of the Trata industrial zone. In tumulus G 21, three cremation graves were discovered, one of which contained grave goods in the form of an iron spearhead, an iron winged axe, a fibula and a vessel. Based on the finds, the graves are dated to the first half or mid-5th century BC. Furthermore, in the fills of both tumuli, fragments of different pottery vessels with red-black paint, fragments of burnt bones, and individual finds of iron knives and parts of attire were found. This finds most likely originate from destroyed graves and indicate the possibility of a somewhat broader time span of the tumuli from the end of the 7th or 6th century BC on.V prispevku so predstavljeni rezultati izkopavanja dveh starejšeželeznodobnih gomil G 21 in G 22, ki pripadata gomilnemu grobišču na Godeško-Reteških dobravah pri Škofji Loki. Gomili sta bili raziskani leta 2020 v okviru zaščitnih arheoloških izkopavanj, ki so potekala zaradi širitve industrijske cone Trata. V gomili G 21 so bili odkriti trije žgani grobovi, od tega eden s pridatkom železne sulične osti, železne plavutaste sekire, fibulo in posodo. Na podlagi najdb so grobovi datirani v prvo polovico ali sredino 5. st. pr. n. št. V obeh gomilah so bili v nasutjih odkriti odlomki različnih keramičnih posod z rdeče-črnim premazom, drobci sežganih kosti ter posamezne najdbe železnih nožev in delov noše; gre za ostanke uničenih grobov in nakazujejo nekoliko širši časovni razpon gomil že od konca 7. ali 6. st. pr. n. št. naprej

    Rimskoclobna najdba v Šenčurju pri Kranju

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    Vier km von Kranj in Richtung Kamnik ist westlich des Dorfes Šenčur bei Kranj in einem flachen Feld durch Zufall ein Sarkophag mit dachförmigem Deckel aus Sandstein entdeckt worden. Der Sarkophag trägt eine Inschrift und mißt außen: I. 90 m X 0.73 m, Höhe 0.62 m; innen: 1.75 m X 0.52 m. Höhe 0.48 m; Deckel: 2,06 m X 0.84 X, Firsthöhe 0,51 m; Gewicht des Sarkophags 3 t. Er ist in lotrechter Steinmetztechnik mit Spitzmeißel angefertigt und lag ungefähr 0,30 m unter der Erdoberfläche, nach Osten gerichtet mit einer südlichen Abweichung von 28°. In der östlichen kürzeren Seitenwand des steinernen Schreins ist eine Öffnung ausge[1]meißelt, deren Deckel sich einwärts öffnet; sie diente dem Ritus für die Seele des Verstorbenen. Auf dem Boden des Schreins lagen zwei Verstorbene, die in zeit[1]lichem Abstand begraben worden waren. Unter der rechten Handfläche der aus[1]gestreckten Hand des besser erhaltenen männlichen Skelettes (Skelett 1 unter 40 J . ; Länge 1,70 m) lag eine Kupfermünze Konstantins des Grossen (506—337 u. Z.) mit der Jahreszahl der Prägung 334—335 u. Z. Das zweite Skelett (Skelett 2) war schlecht erhalten und kaum noch wahrnehmbar. Beide lagen auf dem Rücken mit einem einzigen Überrest vom Schädel des Skeletts 1 an der Westseite. Der Man[1]gel der übrigen Schädelteile beider Skelette läßt sich durch einen gewaltsamen Eingriff ins Innere des Grabschreins erklären. Die beiden Begrabenen waren mit­ inander verwandt; der Grabeigentümer war Skelett 2, wenn wir die anthropo[1]logische Feststellung für Skelett i mit der Inschrift vergleichen. Die rechte Längs[1]wand trug außen eine vierzeilige Inschrift. Die ersten zwei Zeilen sind abgenutzt. Der Sarkophag war anfänglich ringsumher sichtbar; später sank er wegen seines Eigengewichts ein oder wurde eingegraben, als der Verstorbene 2 darin bestattet wurde. Der Ort war bisher in der archäologischen Literatur unbekannt und der dor[1]tige Fund wirft gewisse Probleme auf. Bekannt sind übrigens kleinere Funde in der Umgegend (Kranj. Luže, Britof, Predoslje, Tupaliče, Lahovče) aus jenem Zeitraum, was besagt, daß diese Ortschaften untereinander durch Vizinalwege ver[1]bunden waren. Zweifellos war der Eigentümer ein Kolonist seiner Wirtschafts[1]tätigkeit nach wohl ein Ackerbauer auf dem fruchtbaren flachen Land. Vorder[1]hand ist der Fund vereinzelt, immerhin aber bedeutsam für die Vorgänge im antiken Zeitraum und im weiteren Bereich Oberkrains. Bisher herrschte die An[1]sicht vor, Oberkrain sei bloß ein Durchzugsgebiet gewesen, durch gangbare Täler und Wege mit Steiermark, Kärnten, dem Küstenland und Unterkrain verbunden, und an der Seite der strategischen Strafienverbindung Emona—Poetovio. Ober[1]krain hatte aber auch volkswirtschaftliche Bedeutung als Rohstoffbasis für die Eisengewinnung (Bohinj), durch seine Viehzucht, Feldwirtschaft usw.; und in der Spätantike gewann Oberkrain auch Bedeutung in der lokalen Verteidigungs[1]strategie des Römischen Imperiums (Ajdovski gradeč bei Bohinjska Bistrica, Ajdna nad Potoki bei Žirovnica, Gradišče nad Bašljem, Gradišče nad Pivko bei Naklo u. a. m.) gegenüber der drohenden Gefahr aus Pannonien

    Tabor above Zagorje Šilentabor, Archaeological Rescue Sample Trenching in the Area of the Castle Complex

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    Dolini reke Pivke in Reke tvorita naraven prehod iz zgornjega Posavja v Tržaški zaliv in Kvarnerski zaliv. Strateška pomembnost tega prostora se je v prazgodovini odražala s številnimi gradišči–naselbinami na zavarovanih vrhovih, v kasni antiki z rimskimi obrambnimi zaporami ter v obdobju turških vpadov s protiturškimi tabori. Zaščitna arheološka sondiranja leta 1996 v območju arheološkega spomenika Tabor nad Zagorjem – Šilentabor, Arheološko najdišče, EŠD: 764, so odkrila del ostankov srednjeveške obrambne arhitekture, zlasti pa številne arheološke artefakte, ki potrjujejo v zgodovinskih virih omenjeno gradnjo in življenje znotraj grajskega kompleksa od 15. do 17. stoletja.  The valleys of the Pivka and Reka rivers make a natural passage from the upper Posavje to the Trieste and Quarnero Bays. The strategic significance of this area in prehistoric times is shown in the numerous hillforts/settlements on the secured peaks of the hills in Late Antiquity with Roman defence blockades, and in the times of Turkish invasions with forts against the Turks. Rescue sample trenching in 1996 in the area of the Tabor archaeological monument above Zagorje - Šilentabor, archaeological site reference EŠD: 764, revealed part of the remains of a Middle Age defence architectural structure and numerous archaeological artifacts, which confirm construction and life within the castle complex from the 15th to 17th centuries, as mentioned in historical sources.    

    Protipomenskost v slovenskem knjižnem jeziku

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    Monography ('Antonymy in Standard Slovenian on the Example of Terminological Dictionaries') deals with antonymy in Slovenian dictionaries, especially in terminological, with linguistic theories about antonyms, lexicographical theories about the presentation of antomyms in general language and terminological dictionaries, with types of antonymes in dictionaries of diferent sciences, most frequent mistakes. The presentation of antonyms in Slovenian dictionaries has a long tradition, starting already in the so-called non-standard dictionaries pertaining to the language works of Slovenian Protestants and continuing with Cigale’s Znanstvena terminologija s posebnim ozirom na srednja učilišča (Scientific Terminology with Special Focus on Secondary Schools, 1880), where antonyms were marked for the first time in the form of notes opp. (opponitur).Monografija je nastala kot plod dolgoletnega leksikografskega in terminografskega dela na Inštitutu za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša ZRC SAZU pri pripravi SSKJ in različnih razlagalnih terminoloških slovarjev. V delu ne najdemo le odgovora na vprašanje, kaj označuje v slovenščini izraz protipomenka – torej beseda ali besedna zveza z nasprotnim pomenom, temveč tudi zgodovinskorazvojni pregled obravnave protipomenskih razmerij, in to v filozofiji, retoriki in jezikoslovju. Predstavljeni so izsledki evropskega in posebej še slovenskega jezikoslovja (Guilbert, Lyons, Apresjan, Novikov, Schippan, Mistrík, Filipec, Gočev, Dolník, Šarić, Gortan - Premk, Kobozeva …Toporišič, Vidovič - Muha, Golden, Novak). Prvi del monografije avtorica zaključi s predlogom delitve terminoloških protipomenk. V drugem je predstavljena razmeroma nesistematična obravnava protipomenskosti v desetih terminoloških slovarjih. Prek kontrastivne analize delo odgovarja na vprašanja o vzporednicah pri vzpostavljanju in evidentiranju protipomenskih razmerij v različnih strokah ter na to, kateri leksemi so značilni nosilci protipomenskosti

    Iron removal from wastewater generated in foundry industry

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    Nowadays, industrial wastewater significantly contaminates our environment. There are many technologies for cleaning these waters. When we are constructing a new treatment plant we must take into consideration the existing standards and laws of the Republic of Slovenia. The company where I did my research is specialised in foundry industry and it is the manufacturer of the components for automotive and motorcycle industry. Wastewaters in the foundry are cleaned with ultrafiltration treatment plant. But there is a problem caused by excessively high concentrations of iron in the permeate.\ud In my graduation thesis I first described and schematically showed the foundry and the treatment plant. In the selected sources and reference materials I looked for all the available technologies for removing iron from wastewater. I described all the technologies of the process and their advantages and disadvantages. During cleaning iron must precipitate from the soluble divalent to the insoluble\ud trivalent form by oxidation, then the iron or iron oxide is removed with different filters. In experimental work I found the source of the iron in the foundry. In the laboratory I measured pH, temperature, electrical conductivity, concentration of iron and total organic carbon – TOC. With most congested waters I've done one filtration cycle at the membrane treatment plant with water containing the highest concentration of iron. I monitored the effect of cleaning. Finally, I chose the most appropriate technology for cleaning based on the pre-selected criteria

    The problem of wastewater treatment in the Karst region

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    The thesis addresses the issue of the treatment of urban waste water in three municipalities of the Karst region. The first part of the thesis comprises a general review of the legislation covering the discharge, emission and treatment of waste water both at the European and Slovene level and a description of the existing urban and industrial waste water treatment plants in the Karst area.\ud With regards to Rules on the collection and treatment of urban waste water and meteoric water the thesis analyzes the actual burden caused by waste water in settlements with a population equivalent of more than 50. Various potential solutions are given, the most favourable of which is detailed in the final part of the thesis together with the capacity and the number of small urban waste water treatment plants that should be built